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Free Book 1 Day Only (Contemporary erotica)

Free Book 1 Day Only (Contemporary erotica)

Quick announcement to let you all know that my new novellette Ava, Sublime is available for free on Kindle February 14th (and February 14th only!).

Free book by Lia CooperAva, Sublime is a complex short that navigates a critical moment between the heroine, Ava, and the two men she is sleeping with.


It isn’t always easy to know what you want and what you need.

Ava Novak thought she had her comfortable life figured out. She had a job roasting coffee that she loved and a simple sexual arrangement with Brenden and Patrick. What more could a woman want? But a change in their dynamic sends Ava down a path of serious soul searching while she tries to come to terms with how much of herself she’s willing to give.

Get it FREE!

Excerpt from Ava, Sublime (New Short Contemporary Romance by Lia Cooper)

Excerpt from Ava, Sublime (New Short Contemporary Romance by Lia Cooper)

Read an excerpt from my new romantic short story Ava, Sublime.

It isn’t always easy to know what you want and what you need.

penrose tiles
Penrose tiles are constructed from shapes related to the pentagon and hence to the golden ratio.

Ava Novak pulled the first aid kit off the wall and opened it. Mismatched bandaids fell out across the counter, some of them getting wet from the puddle of water there. She extracted the can of burn spray, shook it, and pointed the nozzle at the lobster red webbing between the thumb and forefinger of her left hand. She flapped her hand to make it dry faster and put away the kit. It smelled like aloe and chemicals. She squinched up her nose at it.

“Oh, excuse me.” Angela lay both of her hands against Ava’s back and waist and slid past her, into the drive through where they kept the Oasis machine.

“Everything okay?” she threw back over her shoulder to the sound of shaved ice falling into the blender.

“Yeah,” Ava mumbled. “It’s fine.” And she dropped her hand to her side.

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