What Lia’s Been Up To
Wow guys, I have been super remiss in blogging this past year. But then again, I’ve been super remiss in writing this year as well. I had a fairly good excuse for this: in January my sister and I opened a tea room/cafe. I don’t want to go into the details, lets just say it <b>seemed like a good idea at the time</b> but once I was stuck working a 9-5, 7 days a week with no time or energy to write I realized just how important writing is to me.
We closed our tea room at the end of October, just in time for me to participate in NaNoWriMo and that has been SO MUCH fun!
After a very long 15 months I’ve finally finished writing the sequel to The Omega Prince! This story has gone through several changes since I began writing and evolved into a bit of a monster compared to the first book, clocking in at about 40% more words than The Omega Prince.
**CLOSED**The Kingdom of Pacchia 2: All the King’s Men – Advanced Reader Copies

All the King’s Men picks up very soon after where The Omega Prince left off: the Tri-fete has been cancelled, Duke Brier has been arrested, and Lord Riven remains persona-non-grata at the high court. Tensions mount as the high king calls for a gemōt, or a legal tribunal, to examine Lord Riven’s accusations against Lord Bourn. It’s got romance, action, political intrigue, and some hot Alpha/Omega loving.
If you follow my tumblr, you may have noticed that I’ve posted the first couple of pages from Pacchia #2 over this past week. Now I’d like to offer up ARCs (advanced reading copies) of the FULL novel to my readers. If you enjoyed reading the first book in this series and are interested in getting your hands on a free copy of the sequel fill out the form below and let me know before December 7th and I’ll send you your copy as well as my thanks for sticking by me despite having disappeared for most of the last year 😉
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