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New Release: Beyond Death (The Witch of Meridian #1)

New Release: Beyond Death (The Witch of Meridian #1)

New Paranormal Series!

Well, gentle readers, it is finally here: Beyond Death (The Witch of Meridian #1). If you follow me on twitter you might have seen this book soft drop under a new pen name. In the month since its release, I’ve reavaluated whether or not I truly wanted to go with a new pen name and it turns out–I don’t. I like having all of my books here under my main name where you can find everything you’re looking to read. With that in mind, I’ve relaunched Beyond Death under my main name and I’m pleased to say there is ALSO a print edition available with this book. If you purchase the print edition be sure and download the ebook for free via Amazon Matchbook!

The Witch of Meridian Series

This brand new series began with a desire to write about the quirky small towns you find on the Olympic Peninsula in Western Washington. A couple of years ago I visited Port Townsend, WA with a friend of mine and instantly fell in love with the Victorian town’s charm and I knew I had to write about it–or if not it directly, than about a place inspired by Port Townsend. I also wanted to use my experience running a tea shop and bakery as the setting for my protagonist. Throw in a little magic, a little vampires, and everything else that goes bump in the night, and the Witch of Meridian Series was born.

This is my first series also featuring a female protagonist. I love writing M/M but as a demisexual woman, I’ve long desired to write a character who was also demisexual, which Miranda Ellison most definitely is–even if she hasn’t figured it out quite yet 😉 Unlike my previous novels, Beyond Death is much more focused on action and personal growth of the protagonist rather than on romance. If you’re looking for a cozy, genre-bending paranormal series in the same vein as Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, or the Sookie Stackhouse novels, I hope you’ll check out Beyond Death!


“I’ve lived and worked and loved my entire life in Meridian. I always knew I’d die there too.”

Miranda Ellison has been the witch of Meridian–a tiny seaside town nestled at the tip of the Olympia Peninsula–for over a decade. Her life was everything a witch could want: quaint little emporium and tea shop business, engaged to her high school sweetheart, and a place in the magical community that awarded her the respect she knew she deserved. But all of that is ripped away from her one dark night, on a rain swept road, as fate tumbles Miranda into a world that looks familiar, but is anything but.

Now, surrounded by people familiar but distant, Miranda searches for a spell that will send her home to the people she loves. It might take ripping a hole in the fabric of reality, but she might just be willing to do it.

For fans of genre-bending fantasy set in small towns such as Charlaine Harris and Teen Wolf.

Available now on Amazon & Kindle Unlimited!

Death Days is Now Available!

Death Days is Now Available!

Are you ready to raise the dead?

Hello lovely readers, I just wanted to pop into your inbox and let you know that my latest novel DEATH DAYS is now live! If you already pre-ordered a copy then you will be able to download it to your kindle. If you didn’t preorder but are interested in checking it out (trust me it’s chock full of all sorts of paranormal creepy crawlies and Men With Feelings TM) then you can pick up a copy at Amazon or directly from the publisher NineStar Press.

As always, I hope you have a blast reading it and keep your eyes peeled this fall for the third and final book in the Profane Series!


By day, Professor Nicholas Littman works as an itinerant professor at a small college in the Pacific Northwest. He teaches seminars on mythology and the intersections of folklore and magic in the ancient world. By night, he’s the local necromancer, a rare magical talent that has left him alienated from other practitioners.

All Nick wants from life is to be left alone to run his magical experiments and teach kids the historical context of magic without anyone being the wiser. Unfortunately, his family is sworn to sit on the council of the Order of the Green Book–a group of magicians dating back to the Crusades–and they aren’t willing to take Nick’s no for an answer.

As though that wasn’t bad enough, a coven of Night Women has arrived in town, warning Nick that there are wolves at his door he had better take care of. But what can one necromancer do when every natural and supernatural card seems stacked against him?

NineStar Press
Death Days is coming August 6th!

Death Days is coming August 6th!

Hello my lovelies, I’m coming to you today with some super rad news: my latest novel–an M/M paranormal romp through the suburban woods of the Pacific Northwest–is available for preorder! It will be available in print and ebook via NineStar Press on August 6th.

This novel was a passion project I wrote last summer and effectionately referred to as oly!necro!prof on my twitter if you follow me there. I wanted to write something new as a little breather between Profane #3 and Blood & Bone #4, something a little bit grimmer, a little darker, and I really wanted to write about a necromancer (you know, sometimes the urge just takes a girl 😉 ).

The result of that summer writing project was Death Days, which was accepted for publication by NineStar Press–a small boutique publisher who specializes in diverse LGBTQIA+ representation in fiction. It’s been an amazing experience working with NineStar on Death Days and I’m so exciting for all of you to read this new book!

New Series?

There has been some question about whether or not Death Days is a standalone or not. Currently, I am planning on it being at LEAST a trilogy, whether or not the rest of the books get picked up by the publisher remains to be seen (I have to write them first! xD) but I can assure you that this is the beginning of a new series that I will be faithfully working on while I write the last installment of The Profane Series.

In the meantime, be sure and check out the Preorder and happy reading!

xoxo, Lia


By day, Professor Nicholas Littman works as an itinerant professor at a small college in the Pacific Northwest. He teaches seminars on mythology and the intersections of folklore and magic in the ancient world. By night, he’s the local necromancer, a rare magical talent that has left him alienated from other practitioners.

All Nick wants from life is to be left alone to run his magical experiments and teach kids the historical context of magic without anyone being the wiser. Unfortunately, his family is sworn to sit on the council of the Order of the Green Book—a group of magicians dating back to the Crusades—and they aren’t willing to take Nick’s no for an answer.

As though that wasn’t bad enough, a coven of Night Women has arrived in town, warning Nick that there are wolves at his door he had better take care of. But what can one necromancer do when every natural and supernatural card seems stacked against him?

Preorder Now!
New Release: It’s Finally Here, Blood & Bone Book 4

New Release: It’s Finally Here, Blood & Bone Book 4

Check out the haunting conclusion to the Blood & Bone Series!

It’s finally here lovely readers, the long awaited sequel to The Symbiotic Law!

Writing the original trilogy was an amazing experience and I knew very shortly after publishing The Symbiotic Law that I had to write a follow-up story delving into the emotional fallout from that novel, but I’ll admit that it took me some time to be in a place where I felt that I *could* tackle that narrative. A Sanguine Solution is the result of several years carefully feeling my way through Ethan Ellison’s tangled emotions and I couldn’t be more pleased with the direction the story took.

Writing A Sanguine Solution this year has truly opened up so many new creative avenues and new plot threads in this universe that I’m excited to continue exploring. And while this will truly be the last book in the Blood & Bone series, I can say for certain that it won’t be the last story about these characters (but I’ll have more to say on that in the coming months ;))

For now, please enjoy Blood & Bone #4: A Sanguine Solution.


How do you keep getting up in the morning when you can’t to look at yourself in the mirror?

Having returned to Seattle, Ethan Ellison would say that he’s trying to piece his life back together but who is he kidding? There’s no returning to life as he knew it, not after Ali’s revelation about their parentage. Now, Ethan’s haunted by personal ghosts and plagued by increasingly temperamental magic.

For Patrick Clanahan, returning to work should be easier than dealing with a mate who can’t stand his touch. But there’s nothing easy about a series of murders that all point to vampire activity in a city where there are no vampires. It’s bringing back to mind the murder of his last partner, slain by vampires a year before he met Ethan—as though Pat didn’t have enough to worry about.

Return to the world of Blood & Bone’s alternative supernatural Seattle, where Ethan and Patrick are about to face their darkest inner demons and scratch the lid on a cover-up bigger than either of them.

This novel picks up after the events of the original trilogy as well as Medium Rare (The Profane Series #1) and Vapor Trail (The Profane Series #2).

Available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

Sneak Peak: Blood & Bone #4 – A Sanguine Solution 2/?

Sneak Peak: Blood & Bone #4 – A Sanguine Solution 2/?

 The countdown to Book 4 continues this week with another snippet from B&B 4: A Sanguine Solution. Go Here to read the first part.

B&B 3.5 Remainders, an f/f novella set during The Symbiotic Law is also now available through amazon!

Chapter 1b


He was relieved when the email came through, informing him that his request for time off had been granted effective immediately.

Ethan closed Pat’s laptop and got up from his desk—it was spare, like the rest of the werewolf’s townhouse, neat and tidy in a way that suggested the room wasn’t used very often, rather than that it was frequently picked up.

The townhouse was quiet. Pat’s cousins, who lived next door, were gone for the rest of the month on a snowboarding trip over winter break. Ethan relished the peace, soaked it up until it weighed down his bones. He slid onto the couch and stretched out on his stomach, cheek pressed into the rough cushion. He breathed slowly, pushing all the air out of his lungs and holding his breath until they ached before he broke and inhaled again. A weight that he could sink under.

From his position, Ethan could see the edge of his book—it wasn’t even his book, it belonged to a dead man, inherited through something like attrition—poking out from between the cushions of one of the matching campaign chairs. He’d read it cover to cover by now, there wasn’t much else to do since he had yet to find a secret stash of paperbacks, DVDs or even porn. Pat Clanahan, it turned out, wasn’t much of a reader.

Read More Read More

Blood & Bone 3.5 Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Blood & Bone 3.5 Cover Reveal & Giveaway!

Hello lovely readers, it’s been an age it seems since my last blog post but I’m back with some exciting news: Not only will I be releasing a new novel in the Blood & Bone series staring Ethan and Pat, but I’ve just about finished up a new supplementary novella set in the same universe starring Sabira Mallory and Grace Clanahan! This novella, titled Remainders, takes place during The Symbiotic Law and gives a little peek into what was happening in Seattle during the boys’ little world adventure. (please be aware this novella features an f/f relationship)

As a thank you to everyone who has stuck around through my slow release schedule, and to hopefully peek your interest in Blood & Bone 4 (coming late 2017, more news on that to come!), I’ll be giving away a free copy of Remainders to everyone who signs up to my New Release Mailing List. This is the same mailing list I’ve always had so if you’re already signed up then you’re all set.

If you’d like to make sure you receive your own free copy, you MUST sign up to the list on or before October 10th midnight PST!

If you have any questions about the giveaway or the series please feel free to leave them in the comments below or come chat with me over on twitter.

As always, happy reading!

New Release: Vapor Trail | The Profane Series #2

New Release: Vapor Trail | The Profane Series #2

After a very long wait, I’m finally able to announce the preorder for my next full length novel: Vapor Trail. This book is the sequel to Medium Rare, and is a companion novel to The Blood & Bone Series. Picking up shortly after the end of Medium Rare, it deals with fresh murders cropping up in Seattle between The Convergence Theory and The Symbiotic law (it’s all connected! XD)

Available on Amazon & Kindle Unlimited

Dead men have nothing but secrets…

Lachlan Graham is ready for his life to settle down now that he and his ex-partner, FBI Agent Vector Clanahan, have caught the man who killed his neighbor. But no sooner have the two returned to Seattle than more bad news arrives to upturn Lachlan’s quiet existence.

He may have left the Seattle Police Department for good, but it doesn’t look like the life will leave him alone. People die, leaving behind their friends and family to pick up the mess made by their secrets in The Profane Series Book 2: Vapor Trail.

Read Chapter One

Available on Amazon & Kindle Unlimited

Preorder The Profane Series Book 2: Vapor Trail

Preorder The Profane Series Book 2: Vapor Trail

Preorder Vapor Trail $0.99!

Hello my lovelies! I think it’s safe to say that 2016 has been a bit of a rough year.I’ve struggled to write in 2016 and regain “my mojo” after taking most of 2015 off to do other pursuits. But as the end of the year approaches, I finally think I might be back in the wing of things.

I want to start 2017 off right. After a very long wait, I’m finally able to announce the preorder for my next full length novel: Vapor Trail. This book is the sequel to Medium Rare, and is a companion novel to The Blood & Bone Series. Picking up shortly after the end of Medium Rare, it deals with fresh murders cropping up in Seattle between The Convergence Theory and The Symbiotic law (it’s all connected! XD)

Vapor Trail will be officially released on January 30th, but you can get it for just $0.99 right now as a pre-order!

Sneak Peak

Read Chapter One

Dead men have nothing but secrets…

Lachlan Graham is ready for his life to settle down now that he and his ex-partner, FBI Agent Vector Clanahan, have caught the man who killed his neighbor. But no sooner have the two returned to Seattle than more bad news arrives to upturn Lachlan’s quiet existence.

He may have left the Seattle Police Department for good, but it doesn’t look like the life will leave him alone. People die, leaving behind their friends and family to pick up the mess made by their secrets in The Profane Series Book 2: Vapor Trail.

Read Chapter One

Grab the pre-order



Latest Updates from Lia’s WIP Corner

Latest Updates from Lia’s WIP Corner

Long Time No Blog-y

Indy's_whipOh, man guys, have I been terrible about blogging or what? Life is so crazy and I feel like I never have enough writing related news to warrant a whole post here. But I also feel it’s important to reassure you that I’m not dead and that I am writing.

First, the thing that’s been keeping me up at night: my sister and I are opening a tea room/lunch cafe! It’s so crazy and we’ve been so busy–I’ve found 2 new grey hairs! It’s exciting though. We’re leasing a little kiosk with a beautiful atrium in a restored historic building in Downtown Olympia. We’re not quite ready to open, we had some set backs with the health department requiring us to update pretty much every single piece of equipment in the kiosk and we still need to submit out Food Business application but we’re in the homestretch it feels like. In December, we’re going to be selling English Tea and gifts for the holidays since we can’t actually serve food yet. It’s very exciting! We’re going to make up some gift mugs and such as soon as the christmas crackers I ordered come in.

I can’t say how thankful I am to have all you lovely readers reading my books, buying/borrowing my novels, and supporting me! My sister and I have long dreamed of opening a tea shop or cafe and it never would have happened without my books finding an audience with you all.

If you follow me on twitter you’ve probably seen some of my baked goods as I’m in the process of testing all our recipes for the shop.

Book News

But enough about the tea room, let’s talk about books. The Source and the Wire by Lia CooperIn case you missed it, I released a contemporary (with a dash of magical realism and soulbonding) novella at the end of september called The Source and the Wire. This novella was one of the first things I began writing while I lived in Pullman, very shortly after deciding I wanted to write for a living and is still one of the stories very dear to my heart–it even has a happy ending! So be sure and check that story out if you haven’t.

Blood & Bone Book 3: The Symbiotic Law

I’m roughly 3/4 finished writing the final book in the Blood & Bone Trilogy and lmty, it’s a doozy. This book is wildly different from both previous novels, charting an adventure literally around the world, and I’m so excited to share it with you all. I know this trilogy has been a rocky emotional ride, full of lots of frustration, so I hope book 3 will be just the welcome relief you’ve all been patiently waiting for. My current goal is to publish book 3 before Christmas. I’ll be giving away a free copy as we get closer to launch for people subscribed to my mailing list:

Sign Up To Lia’s Mailing List For A Chance To Win BLOOD & BONE 3!

Forthcoming Projects Winter 2014-Early 2015

  • Secret Christmas romance (Title/Cover reveal Dec 1!) between a small town coffee shop owner and a new in town novelist trying to connect with his dead father
  • Substitutions for Lemons, a f/f novel involving a down-on-her luck baker and a French mail-order-bride
  • The Kingdom of Pacchia Book 2: Courted by the Alpha, political tensions run high as the disfavored Lord Riven begins a tentative courtship of the Crown Prince Aubrey, set against a back-drop of betrayal and strained loyalties.