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Author: Lia

Review Copies of The Omega Prince

Review Copies of The Omega Prince

Just wanted to pop by and remind everyone that I am still offering a couple of free reviews copies of my latest book The Omega Prince in exchange for an honest review on Amazon. Let me know if you’d be interested in a copy by filling out the form below 🙂


NEW RELEASE: The Omega Prince (The Kingdom of Pacchia Book 1)

NEW RELEASE: The Omega Prince (The Kingdom of Pacchia Book 1)

TOP with title blog small

For Sale on Amazon $2.99

Author’s Note

Here it is! The novella I began writing a month ago for fun because I needed a break from Blood & Bone and all the pressure that comes with that series, here’s the first in a little series of stories set in a AU medieval kingdom called Pacchia where Alpha/Beta/Omega sex and gender are the norm. (this concept is often called Omegaverse if you’re fannish)

I described this book to my writing partner as Medieval Jane Austen and it was a hellofalot of a fun to write. Check it out and lmk what you think!


The Tri-fete, an opportunity for the alphas in Pacchia to show off their strength, stamina, and martial prowess, comes once every three years. This is the first time the competition has been held since the Crown Prince Aubrey of Lyle and Wescott presented as an omega and there is much speculation he may take a mate from one of the alphas competing.

But there is more than friendly competition underway as the mysterious Lord Riven returns to court for the first time in nearly a decade and assassins plot against the King.

Prince Aubrey must find a way to balance expectation and personal desire in THE OMEGA PRINCE, the first story set in Pacchia, a mythical kingdom based on the a/b/o gender structure.

This story contains explicit M/M content.



He was Lord Riven now, the only son of the late Lord Riven.

A middle child, considered spoilt and indolent in his youth through very little fault of his own. It was the prerogative of the peerage to keep their children in the comfortable style to which they themselves were raised. And so the youngest Lord Riven was instructed by tutors in the manor castle, taught to ride and mock fight, and left to enjoy the pleasanter pastimes in life such as hunting every day except Sundurn, which was reserved for feasting.

The son, known to his sisters and closest companions as Dierik, was little seen at the High Court of the King of Lyle, and there was much talk bandied amongst the other houses when his fourteenth birthday came and went without his joining the King’s Guard as was the want of most noble sons looking to distinguish themselves.

No acts of valor, scholarship, or might were thus put forward to advance the young Dierik, and his name was predominantly forgotten until his twentieth year when news reached the High Court that Lord Riven and his household, excepting the son and the youngest daughter, had been murdered in their beds and the manor castle burned to its foundations.

After that, the name Riven was explicably attached to gratuitous rumors of patricide and plot though no evidence ever surfaced that the son was in fact the root cause of his family’s fall. The damage was already done. The more greedy and tenacious corners of the court, smelling blood, were quick to circle the floundering house. Within a month, expeditionary forces began to make their presence felt all along House Riven’s boarders and shortly after the son gathered his knights and loyal vassals and marched to his defenses.

That was eight years ago.

Review Copies

As with my other books, I will be offering 5 free review copies of The Omega Prince in exchange for a FAIR and HONEST review on Amazon/goodreads/your review blog etc. Fill out the form below if you’re interested in a reading copy 🙂

The Convergence Theory Free Reader Copies

The Convergence Theory Free Reader Copies

Available on Amazon $4.99

Review Copies

As with THE DUALITY PARADIGM, I will be offering review copies for THE CONVERGENCE THEORY for people who are interested. I only ask that you write an HONEST review, state that you received a review copy somewhere in your review, and post your review on the web and link me (Amazon, Goodreads, personal blog etc). If you’re interested in reviewing Book 2 send me an email: liacooperromance AT gmail DOT com.

You can read chapter 1 here on my blog.


Walking away from your soulmate is not for the faint of heart…

Following the Matilde Walker murder, Detective Ethan Ellison is back working misdemeanors and minor crimes, but he’s only just begun to realize how much the experience has changed his life.

Meanwhile, Detective Patrick Clanahan would give anything to get the memory of Ethan out of his head. If he can’t have him, and every sign suggests that he can’t, he sure has hell wishes everything at the station didn’t remind him of the other man.

Murder, UST, pining, and emotional turmoil lurk right around the corner for both men as Seattle hurtles to the hottest summer on record and their fates bring them back together in THE CONVERGENCE THEORY, Book Two in the Blood & Bone Trilogy.

This is the tense sequel to THE DUALITY PARADIGM.

Contains explicit M/M and minor M/F content.

Book 2: The Convergence Theory Book News

Book 2: The Convergence Theory Book News

convergence rightside up small
Available on Amazon $2.99
So I made a DAY-Of post about the release of my new book here and on twitter but I’m a big believer in NOT SPAMMING my list so after that first day I kind of stayed quiet. But you know, we all have busy lives and don’t always stay up-to-the-minute on our blogroll or RSS feeds. I figure it’s time to make another little post saying Hey, lookit, I published the sequel!

You can read chapter 1 here on my blog.


Walking away from your soulmate is not for the faint of heart…

Following the Matilde Walker murder, Detective Ethan Ellison is back working misdemeanors and minor crimes, but he’s only just begun to realize how much the experience has changed his life.

Meanwhile, Detective Patrick Clanahan would give anything to get the memory of Ethan out of his head. If he can’t have him, and every sign suggests that he can’t, he sure has hell wishes everything at the station didn’t remind him of the other man.

Murder, UST, pining, and emotional turmoil lurk right around the corner for both men as Seattle hurtles to the hottest summer on record and their fates bring them back together in THE CONVERGENCE THEORY, Book Two in the Blood & Bone Trilogy.

This is the tense sequel to THE DUALITY PARADIGM.

Contains explicit M/M and minor M/F content.

Review Copies

As with THE DUALITY PARADIGM, I will be offering review copies for people who are interested. I only ask that you write an HONEST review, state that you received a review copy somewhere in your review, and post your review on the web and link me (Amazon, Goodreads, personal blog etc). If you’re interested in reviewing Book 2 send me an email: liacooperromance AT gmail DOT com.

Book 3 News

So what’s in store next? I’ve got ~33% of the final book in the trilogy written and I’ll be working on that over the next couple of months. Originally i’d hoped to have to ready to be published very soon after book 2 but it looks like early Winter is going to be more accurate. I’ll be posting a sneak peak of the cover and Chapter 1 as we get closet to the release date, so stay tuned!

I’ve also started a tumblr based WIP called The Omega Prince. TOP began life as an exercise in having fun with my writing. I just wanted to write a sweet fantasy AU, not of our world, that examined Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics in a non oppressive culture. IDK about you but I get sick and tired of fantasy AUs that are just our world, with all of its prejudices and misogyny, and the serial numbers scrubbed off.

Here’s the first snippet for you reading pleasure:

He was Lord Riven now, the only son of the late Lord Riven.

A middle child, considered spoilt and indolent in his youth through very little fault of his own. It was the prerogative of the peerage to keep their children in the comfortable style to which they themselves were raised. And so the youngest Lord Riven was instructed by tutors in the manor castle, taught to ride and mock fight, and left to enjoy the pleasanter pastimes in life such as hunting every day except Sundurn, which was reserved for feasting.

The son, known to his sisters and closest companions as Dierik, was little seen at the High Court of the King of Lyle, and there was much talk bandied amongst the other houses when his fourteenth birthday came and went without his joining the King’s Guard as was the want of most noble sons looking to distinguish themselves.

No acts of valor, scholarship, or might were thus put forward to advance the young Dierik, and his name was predominantly forgotten until his twenty-fourth year when news reached the High Court that Lord Riven and his household, excepting the son and the youngest daughter, had been murdered in their beds and the manor castle burned to its foundations.

After that, the name Riven was explicably attached to gratuitous rumors ofpatricide and plot though no evidence ever surfaced that the son was in fact the root cause of his family’s fall. The damage was already done. The more greedy and tenacious corners of the court, smelling blood, were quick to circle the floundering house. Within a month expeditionary forces began to make their presence felt all along the Lord Riven’s boarders and shortly after, the son gathered his knights and loyal vassals and marched to his defenses.

That was eight years ago.

You can read along with the rest of it as I write it here: and the tag #the omega prince.

Tumblr Announcement

Tumblr Announcement

Hi all! Taking a little side-jaunt from all of the Blood & Bones excitement this week to announce that I’ve created a new tumblr for myself, which you can find here:

I wasn’t really using the old one so I deleted it a bit ago but I had this idea. I really want to write something fun. As much as I do like the Blood & Bone trilogy it is, personally, exhausting to write. But thats not unusual. ALL of my projects (of which i have more than I care to list here, let’s just say that it’s a LOT) are kind of exhausting.

I want to write something fun.

I want to write something FOR fun.

I sat down this morning and just started typing and suddenly I had 300 words and it was fun, and it was off the cuff, and it’s probably going to spawn a whole novel.

BUT I’m not going to write it in scrivener (not at first, at least, it will end up there eventually).

I know some people use wattpad and love it. Ive posted stuff there, never seen a response, and ultimately it’s not my sandbox. Tumblr is my sandbox (now that fandom has effectively moved there from livejournal if you kwim).

SO, going forward I’m going to try something new by writing short snippets of my fun medieval story over at my tumblr, probably not more than a couple hundred words per day, unplotted, totally just like “whatever happens, happens” as an experiment and also as a reprieve from more serious projects.

Feel free to follow me over there, send asks, reblog, etc! And don’t worry, I won’t be abandoning this blog by any stretch. This will still be HQ for all official books news!


Book 2 Publishing Update

Book 2 Publishing Update

Are you ready for more UST? More murder, nightmares, and dudes running around with more feelings than they know what to do with?

Popping in to give everyone here a little headsup that it looks like I’ll be releasing book 2 The Convergence Theory next monday, July 14th!

As a teaser, I’ll be posting chapter 1 here on the blog either later today or tomorrow.

Now, back to final edits 🙂


A Year Ago…

A Year Ago…

give or take a month, I began writing book 2 of the Blood & Bone Trilogy (The Convergence Theory). I’m working on a last round of editing for that book right now and re-reading it I’m reminded of the beginning. It was hot and gross then. We were experiencing a legit heatwave through most of the continental USA. I struggled writing Convergence during the winter because the characters were hot and lethargic and I was cold in my house, rain sodden and discouraged with my writing.

It’s hot again, but grey and heavily overcast. It doesn’t rain though.

Looking For Lesbian Romance Book Recs

Looking For Lesbian Romance Book Recs

Hey guys, so at some point I do plan on getting this blog back to its regularly scheduled programming.

One of the things I want to do is another book review. Specifically, I’m looking for something in the f/f genre. Any of you have some recs? Books you liked, authors you love? I’m pretty easy for genre as long as it’s well written and character driven.

Summer’s Out

In other news, the draft for Book 2 has been sent off to beta readers and I’m waiting to hear back. My writing partner and I have started a new summer schedule (M-F 8:30-10:30) which is rough, lmty, but productive. I’ve been editing her sci-fi novel while I give Book 3 some time to percolate in my brain.

Next month I’ll be taking an intensive drawing class (it’s called Drawing Marathon and meets 9am-4pm 3 days a week, whoa!) Maybe I’ll post some scans if the end results aren’t too terrible 😉

What are your summer writing plans? Tell me about them in the comments or find me on twitter! @LiaCooperWrites


Where Did Lia Go??!

Where Did Lia Go??!

It’s been awhile since I posted here. I’m not dead! I’m just behind schedule. And to make matters worse my internet service has gone from “bad” to “completely fucking useless.” If you follow me on twitter you’ve probably seen a few of my angry tweets (I’m hoping that if I shame CenturyLink long and hard enough I’ll actually get someone to come FIX THEIR SHIT).

My internet has been unreliable since late March but in the past couple of weeks it’s gotten exponentially worse. the WAN won’t stay connected for more than 5-15 minutes at a time and I’ve replaced all of the hardware and updated the firmware and there’s literally nothing else I can do on my end to try to fix the problem but GOOD FUCKING LUCK getting someone from CenturyLink to do anything besides ask you if ALL your phone lines have a filter on them and assure you that there is nothing wrong with their local service. HAH-fucking-HAH (I’m more than a little frustrated as you can imagine considering I do ALL of my work online).

So, I’m laboriously working on editing Book Two (It’s super fun when you disconnect from Google Docs every 10 minutes LET ME TELL YOU) while writing is temporarily on hold (I’m so full of rage there is just no way for me to be creative rn on top of the fact I cant get spotify to work with this internet problem). I will at some point have a copy of Convergence to go out to the kind people who volunteered to beta read for me–it will hopefully be by the end of this month (WHERE DID MAY GO?????).

In the meantime if you have questions, comments, timestamp requests my inbox is open and I will try to get back to you!